Site currencies
Site currencies
how tah be a rich b*tch
how tah be a rich b*tch
MDH rewards you with 3 different currencies for certain activities on site, each currency can be turned in for different rewards depending on the currency. The most important is easily POKI, used to purchase most in game healing and capture items as well as the OOC shop, followed by BP used to acquire prizes like evolutionary items or used in the OOC shop and lastly the tickets, an incentive to plot with other characters.
MDH rewards you with 3 different currencies for certain activities on site, each currency can be turned in for different rewards depending on the currency. The most important is easily POKI, used to purchase most in game healing and capture items as well as the OOC shop, followed by BP used to acquire prizes like evolutionary items or used in the OOC shop and lastly the tickets, an incentive to plot with other characters.
Poki is easily the most influential of the currencies and will be very important for you to make a stockpile of on your characters. It is used on the pokemon and for OOC items and every once in a while may be used to get certain perks during events.
gained by
Poki is easily the most influential of the currencies and will be very important for you to make a stockpile of on your characters. It is used on the pokemon and for OOC items and every once in a while may be used to get certain perks during events.
gained by
- Posting in IC threads at a rate of 10 poki per post
- Defeating trainers in mod threads (rate explained in battle system thread)
- Occasionally rewarded as part of a prize in events
Battle points a.k.a BP
Battle points a.k.a BP
BP is primarily used for the purchase of items inside the coliseum prize desks, these items range from evolutionary to healing or capture items. Of course they may also be used for other OOC purchases and may be used during events for added perks much like Poki.
Gained by
BP is primarily used for the purchase of items inside the coliseum prize desks, these items range from evolutionary to healing or capture items. Of course they may also be used for other OOC purchases and may be used during events for added perks much like Poki.
Gained by
- Completing Colosseum challenges
- You must complete at least 2 rounds to reap rewards
Pokemon tickets
Pokemon tickets
Pokemon tickets are an incentive given out for completing threads with your fellow members in what we call social threads. By turning in at least 3 tickets your character receives a randomized pokemon. Turn in more and you can dictate things like region, type or even acquire and randomized fairy or dragon type if you turn in enough at once!
gained by
Pokemon tickets are an incentive given out for completing threads with your fellow members in what we call social threads. By turning in at least 3 tickets your character receives a randomized pokemon. Turn in more and you can dictate things like region, type or even acquire and randomized fairy or dragon type if you turn in enough at once!
gained by
- Participating in social threads, at a ratio of 1 ticket per every 5 posts in a completed thread
- That's the only way you get them. Go plot with your fellow rper friend.
all questions and concerns should be directed to staff
all questions and concerns should be directed to staff